Weekly IP Buzz for week ending February 16, 2018
Blockchain Technology; Phoning It In; 'As Seen on TV,' Amazon, and Trademark Infringement
Here's a summary of interesting developments in intellectual property, technology, social media, and Internet law for the week ending February 16, 2018.
Blockchain Technology and How It Relates to Virtual Currencies
This is the second article in a blog series about virtual currencies. In the last article, we discussed the rise of virtual currencies and cryptocurrencies. We discussed the advantages and disadvantages of cryptocurrencies and how they differ from traditional currencies. In this article, we focus on virtual currencies and blockchain technology. For those unfamiliar with virtual currencies, blockchains as a concept must also be explained. Blockchains validate the coins that make up the cryptocurrency. Blockchains are records that continuously grow. They are linked and secured using cryptography. Each block, record, contains a hash pointer that links to a previous block, a timestamp, and transaction data. More
Phoning It In
Mobile order and pay-ahead apps boost sales and customer loyalty – but restaurant operators must address legal issues, too. Only a few years ago, customers relied on restaurant mobile apps primarily to find a nearby location or to browse a menu. But now, they’re reaching for their phone for a whole lot more. “As a growing number of restaurant chains move into the mobile/digital space, the features available to guests are become increasingly complex,” according to Lisa Jennings, West Coast Bureau Chief for Nation’s Restaurant News. Guests are turning to mobile apps to order ahead, pay, and skip the line. More
‘As Seen on TV’ Companies Sue Amazon for Trademark Infringement
While brand names such as Allstar Marketing (“Allstar”), Ideavillage Products (“Ideavillage”), and Ontel Products (“Ontel”) may not have the same brand recognition as Coca-Cola or Heinz, these companies produce some of the most recognizable “As Seen on TV” products thanks to savvy marketing and ubiquitous television ad time. Allstar, Ideavillage, and Ontel produce the “Snuggie” blanket, Copper Fit compression apparel, and Vegetti spiral slicers, respectively. Now, these companies have banded together to file suit against tech giant, Amazon.com, Inc., seeking to recover millions in damages. More
For more posts, see our Intellectual Property, Technology, Business Law, Social Media, and Internet Law blog.